Jensen Delius
Fine Arts, art and Art history
Carrie & Tricia
Project statement
These two pulp paintings, constructed from paper pulp made out of my mother's old clothing, are recreations of childhood photographs of both of my mothers. Informed by my interest in familial archives, parentage, and queer lineage, these paper pieces are a remaking of documents that are precious to me out of materials that I also have deemed as precious. Stemming from a practice that is deeply process-based and focused on handmade, these works become a sort of labor of love directed at both the objects themselves and the people occupying these objects.
About the Artist
Jensen Delius is an artist exploring generational stories and concepts of self and identity through traditional printmaking and mixed media work. By utilizing images and objects from their personal familial archive, and personally produced photographs, Delius creates pastiches of self, space, and intergenerational identities and stories, through which they consistently examine the ways in which identity is fastened to individuals, places, lineage, and past ideas of self one has occupied.
Instagram: @jensengrace_art
“I nominate Jensen Delius for the sensitive use of materials, and the way Jensen is currently exploring connections to the self; past, and present. The artist states:
I am exploring generational stories and concepts of self and identity through traditional printmaking and mixed media work. Utilizing images from their personal familial archive, Delius creates pastiches of self, space, and intergenerational identities and stories.
Delius intends to consistently examine the ways in which identity is fastened to individuals, places, lineage, and past ideas of self one has occupied. Beyond Jensen's artwork, I see, in this student, a great capacity for generosity and compassion that is extended to our student group SOFA. Jensen is leading the postcard fundraiser, and has managed to maintain excellent communication and organizational skills to benefit their peers, and highlight their work in the best light. Good deserves to be rewarded, and so I am happy to nominate this young artist for HOKIN HONORS.”
-Anna Kunz, Associate Professor, Art, and Art History