Since the spring of 2020, the Covid-19 pandemic has touched nearly every aspect of our personal and public lives. Sometimes it is hard to see just how much of our lived experiences over the past two years have deviated from what came before and it can be easy to forget some of what we have missed during this tumultuous time.
This exhibition hopes to re-claim a small part of what of the pandemic has taken from us, specifically our ability to celebrate the accomplishments of two consecutive M.F.A. classes by showcasing their work in a physical exhibition that allows an eager audience to see and marvel at the work of these emerging artists.
The Columbia College Chicago Photography Department is proud to present the M.F.A. classes of 2020 and 2021. In this exhibition the artists confront their audience with work that brings into view important issues from underrepresented populations; work that challenges stereotypes and societal expectations; work that confronts trauma; and work that transcends our experiences of everyday life. These artists challenge us to question the world through their lenses.
This exhibition is the product not only of the work of the artists featured, but also the tireless efforts of the students in the Gallery Management Practicum and the work of Kelli Connell, Photography Graduate Director. Thank you to everyone who worked to make this exhibition a reality.
It is with great pride that we present to you the Photography MFA classes of 2020 and 2021.
Ross Sawyers
Chair, Photography Department
Class of 2020
Atefeh Farajolahzadeh
Jordan Putt
Michael Reece
Forrest Simmons
Dylan Yarbrough
Class of 2021
Ali Georgescu
Daniel Hud
Tommy Keith
Lindley Warren Mickunas