Zoe Rose Kriegler-Wenk
Of Water and Wings
Project Statement
Of Water and Wings is a multimedia devised theatre piece that combines original text and physical theatre to explore the complex relationship between activism and consumer culture. Due to live theatre restrictions during the COVID-19 pandemic, the piece premiered in May of 2020 on the Third Mask Festival website as a solo video collage and accompanying virtual lobby display. The piece will be adapted to an ensemble production and workshopped for Mentalhaus’ 2021 season. The current version of the piece is set at an elite corporate event referred to as The Ascent, in which the first human trial of Wing Capsules is set to take place. Of Water and Wings questions the intentions and consequences of the human desire to make memorable change and investigates modern society’s tendency towards the commodification of empathy.
Artist Bio
Zoe Rose Kriegler-Wenk is a Chicago-based writer, deviser and theatre-maker. As an interdisciplinary creator, she strives to integrate physical, vocal, and text-based practices in order to generate embodied creative material. She enjoys layering visual, sonic and textual material to create multi-sensory experiences for her audience. She works to combine her passion for the written word with her interest in media and movement to produce pieces that celebrate hybrid forms of artistic expression. See more of Zoe’s work on her website.
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